Dumisile Goodness Nhlengethwa

Ms Nhlengethwa was born 4 July 1969. She has a primary teacher’s Diploma and a Certificate in Economics. Ms Nhlengethwa has been an MP since 1999 and is currently a member of the ANC Womens' League.

Family name: Nhlengethwa
E-Mail: dnhlengethwa@parliament.gov.za
Given name: Dumisile Goodness
Telephone number: 021-403-3769


  Status Role Dates Source
African National Congress (ANC) - Member People's Assembly
Portfolio Committee on Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs - Member People's Assembly
Ethics and Members' Interest - Member People's Assembly
AdHoc Committee on 1913 Land Act - Member People's Assembly
Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs - Chairperson People's Assembly